Honda CR-V: Audio Antenna

Your vehicle is equipped with an

Your vehicle is equipped with an antenna at the rear of the roof . Bef ore using a ‘‘drive-through’’ car wash, remove the antenna by unscrewing it by hand. This prevents the antenna f rom being damaged by the car wash brushes.


 Dust and Pollen Filter

This filter removes the dust and pollen that is brought in fromthe outside through the heating and cooling system/climate control system. Have your dealer replace this filter when this serv

 Wiper Blades

Check the condition of the wiper blades at least every six months. Replace them if you find signs of cracking in the rubber, areas that are getting hard, or if they leave streaks and unwiped


To safely operate your vehicle, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread, and correctly inflated. The following pages give more detailed information


 Shift Cable

Shift Cable Replacement 1. Lift the vehicle up on a lift or apply the parking brake, block rear wheels, and raise the *front of the vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported. 2. Remove the following parts: Heater control panel Dashboard center panel Center lower covers 3. Shift the shift le

 General Troubleshooting Information

Intermittent Failures The term "intermittent failure" means a system may have had a failure, but it checks OK now. If the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) on the dash does not come on, check for poor connections or loose pins at all connectors related to the circuit that you are troubleshooting. If

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