Honda CR-V: Exterior Trim


 Upper/Lower Front Grille Replacement

Upper Front Grille Replacement NOTE: Take care not to scratch the bumper and grille. 1. Remove the front bumper. 2. Remove the clips from the back of the front grille and release the hooks (A), then

 Cowl Cover Replacement

Special Tools Required KTC trim tool set SOJATP2014 * * Available through the American Honda Tool and Equipment Program; call 888-424-6857 NOTE: Put on gloves to protect your hands. Take care not t

 Door Lower Trim Replacement

NOTE: Take care not to scratch the door. Put on gloves to protect your hands. 1. Remove these items: Door panel, front , rear. Door speaker, front, rear. 2. From the front or the rear door, re


 Parking Tips

Make sure the moonroof (if equipped) and the windows are closed. Turn off the lights. Place any packages, valuables, etc. in the cargo area or take them with you. Lock the doors and the tailgate. If equipped Check the indicator on the instrument panel to verify that the security syst

 Brake Booster

Brake Booster Test Functional Test 1. With the engine stopped, press the brake pedal several times to deplete the vacuum reservoir, then press the brake pedal hard, and hold it for 15 seconds. If the brake pedal sinks, either the master cylinder is bypassing internally, or the brake system is lea

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