Honda CR-V: Front Driveshaft Installation

1. Apply grease to the contact area (A) of the outboard joint and front wheel bearing.

NOTE: Failure to apply grease may cause excessive noise and vibration.

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

2. Install a new set ring (A) onto the set ring groove (B) of the driveshaft (left driveshaft).

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

3. Apply 0.5-1.0 g (0.02-0.04 oz) of grease to the whole splined surface (A) of the right driveshaft.

After applying grease, remove the grease from the splined grooves at intervals of 2-3 splines and from the set ring groove (B) so that air can bleed from the intermediate shaft.

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

4. Clean the areas where the driveshaft contacts the differential thoroughly with solvent or brake cleaner, and dry with compressed air. Insert the inboard end (A) of the driveshaft into the differential (B) or intermediate shaft (C) until the set ring (D) locks in the groove (E).

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

5. Install the outboard joint (A) into the front hub (B).

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

6. Install the knuckle (A) onto the lower arm (B).

Then tighten the nuts and bolt (C) to the torque specification.

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

7. Install a new spindle nut (A), then tighten the nut.

After tightening; use a drift to stake the spindle' nut shoulder (B) against the driveshaft.

Honda CR-V. Driveline/Axle

8. Clean the mating surfaces of the brake disc and the front wheel, then install the front wheel.

9. Turn the front wheel by hand, and make sure there is no interference between the driveshaft and surrounding parts.

10. Refill the transmission with the recommended automatic transmission fluid.

11. Check the front wheel alignment, and adjust it if necessary.


 Intermediate Shaft

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 Rear Driveshaft

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 Propeller Shaft

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 Carbon Monoxide Hazard

Your vehicle’s exhaust contains carbon monoxide gas. Carbon monoxide should not enter the vehicle in normal driving if you maintain your vehicle properly and follow the information on this page. Have the exhaust system inspected for leaks whenever: The vehicle is raised for an

 General Troubleshooting Information

Tips and Precautions Before Troubleshooting 1. Check applicable fuses in the appropriate fuse/relay box. 2. Check the battery for damage, state of charge, and clean and tight connections. NOTICE Do not quick-charge a battery unless the battery ground cable has been disconnected, otherwise you w

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