Honda CR-V: PGM-FI System

Component Location Index

Honda CR-V. PGM-FI System

Honda CR-V. PGM-FI System


 DTC Troubleshooting

 DTC P0101: MAF Sensor Range/Performance Problem

NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and any on-board snapshot, and review the general troubleshooting information. If DTC P1128, P1129, P2228, and/or P2229 are stored at the sa

 DTC P0111: IAT Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem

NOTE: Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and any on-board snapshot, and review the general troubleshooting information. 1. Check for poor connections or loose terminals at ECT sensor 1/2


 Conventional Brake Components

Special Tools Brake Caliper Piston  Compresor Component Location Index BRAKE SYSTEM INDICATOR Circuit Diagram Parking Brake Switch Test Brake Fluid Level Switch Test BRAKE HOSE and LINE Inspection Brake Hose Replacement PARKING DRUM BRAKE Inspection Shoe Replace

 DTC Troubleshooting

DTC B1028: Rear Window Wiper Motor (As) Signal Error NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A. 1. Clear the DTCs with the HDS. 2. Turn the. ignition switch OFF, and then back ON (II). 3. Operate the rear window wiper f

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