The rear differential has a real-time 4WD control mechanism that enables 4WD
by transmitting appropriate driving
force from the front wheels to the rear wheels when necessary. It uses a
Starting and accelerating in forward gears
(4WD mode)
NOTE: Do not test repeatedly or the fluid will overheat.
1. Lift up the vehicle so all four wheels are off the ground.
2. Make a mark (A) on eit
1. With the vehicle on level ground, inspect the
differential fluid with the ignition switch turned to
LOCK (0).
2. Use solvent and a brush to wash off any oil and dirt
from the differential fluid in
Specia1 Tools Required
SRS inflator simulator 07SAZ-TB4011A
SRS simulator lead L 070AZ-SNAA300
NOTE: Before doing this troubleshooting procedure,
review SRS Precautions and Procedures.
1. Erase the DTC memory.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON (II), and check that the
SRS indicator comes on for
Starting and accelerating in forward gears
(4WD mode)
NOTE: Do not test repeatedly or the fluid will overheat.
1. Lift up the vehicle so all four wheels are off the ground.
2. Make a mark (A) on either No.1 or No.2 propeller
shaft (B).
3. Start the engine, and let it run until it warms up (the