Honda CR-V: Starting System

Component Location Index

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Symptom Troubleshooting Index

Engine does not start (does not crank)

  1. Check for loose battery terminals or connections
  2. Test the battery for a low state of charge
  3. Check the starter
  4. Check the starter cut relay
  5. Check the transmission range switch
  6. Check the ignition switch or related circuits

Engine cranks, but does not start

  1. Check for PGM-FI DTCs
  2. Check the PGM-FI main relays
  3. Check for IMMOBI status and function
  4. Check the fuel pressure
  5. Check for a plugged or damaged fuel line
  6. Check for a plugged fuel filter
  7. Check the throttle body
  8. Check for low engine compression
  9. Check for a damaged or broken cam chain

Engine is hard to start

  1. Check for PGM-FI DTCs
  2. Check for IMMOBI status and function
  3. Check the fuel pressure
  4. Check for a plugged or damaged fuel line
  5. Check for a plugged fuel filter

Engine cranks slowly

  1. Check for loose battery terminals or connections
  2. Test the battery for a low state of charge
  3. Check the starter for binding
  4. Check for excessive drag in the engine

Circuit Diagram

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Starter Circuit Troubleshooting


1. Hook up this equipment:

Honda CR-V. Starting System

2. Connect the HDS to the data link connector (DLC).

3. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).

4. Make sure the HDS communicates with the vehicle and the powertrain control module (PCM). If it doesn't communicate, troubleshoot the DLC circuit.


6. Set the parking brake, then with the shift lever in P or N position, turn the ignition switch to START (III).

Does the starter crank the engine normally? YES-The starting system is OK. GO to step 13.

NO-Go to step 7.

7. Check the battery condition. Check electrical connections at the battery, the negative battery cable to body, the engine ground cables, and the starter for looseness and corrosion. Then try cranking the engine again.

Does the starter crank the engine?

YES-Repairing the loose connection corrected the problem. The starting system is OK. Go to step 13.

NO-Based on the following symptoms, take the appropriate action:

8. Make sure the transmission is in Park or neutral, and set the parking brake. Disconnect the starter subharness 1 P connector (A) from the main wire harness 1 P connector (B). Connect a jumper wire from the battery positive terminal to the starter subharness 1 P connector.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Does the starter crank the engine? YES-Go to step 9.

NO-Check the BLK/WHT wire between the starter subharness 1 P connector and the starter. If the wire is OK, remove the starter, and repair or replace it as necessary.

9. Check the following items in the order listed until you find the open circuit:

10. While cranking the engine, check the cranking voltage and the current draw.

Is the cranking voltage greater than or equal to 8.5 V and is the current draw less than or equal to 380A?

YES-Go to step 11.

NO-Replace the starter, or remove and disassemble it, and check for these problems:

11. Check the engine speed while cranking the engine.

Is the engine speed above 100 rpm? YES-Go to step 12.

NO-Replace the starter, or remove and disassemble it, and check for these problems:

12. Remove the starter, and inspect its drive gear and the torque converter ring gear for damage. Replace any damaged parts.

13. Select PCM reset to cancel ALL INJECTORS OFF on the HDS.

Starter Performance Test

1. Remove the starter.

2. Connect a fully charged battery to the starter for this test using the thickest (gauge) wire possible (preferably the same gauge as used on the vehicle).

NOTE: To avoid damaging the starter, never leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

3. Connect the battery as shown. If the starter pinion moves out, it is working properly.

4. Disconnect the battery from the starter body. If the pinion retracts immediately, it is working properly.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

5. Firmly clamp the starter in a vise.

6. Connect the starter to the battery as shown, and check that the motor turns and keeps rotating.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

7. If the electric current meets the specification when the battery voltage is at 11.5 V, the starter is working properly.


Electric Current: 80 A or less

Starter Removal and Installation


1. Make sure you have the anti-theft code for the audio system and the navigation system (if equipped), then write down the XM radio presets.

2. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery first, then disconnect the positive cable.

3. Remove the splash shield.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

4. Remove the intake manifold bracket.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

5. Remove the harness clamp (A), and remove the two bolts (B) securing the starter, then remove the starter from the engine.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

6. Disconnect the starter cable (A) from the B terminal, then disconnect the BLK/WHT wire (B) from the S terminal.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

7. Remove the harness clamp (C), then remove the starter.


1. Install the starter cable (A) and BLK/WHT (B) wire.

Make sure the starter cable crimped side of the ring terminal is facing out.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

2. Install the harness clamp (C).

3. Install the starter, tighten the bolts, then install the harness clamp (A).

Honda CR-V. Starting System

4. Install the intake manifold bracket.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

5. Install the splash shield.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

6. Connect the positive cable to the battery first. then connect the negative cable.

7. Start the engine to make sure the starter works properly.

8. Enter the anti-theft code for the audio system and the navigation system (if equipped), then enter the XM radio presets.

9. Set the clock.

Starter Overhaul


Honda CR-V. Starting System

Armature Inspection and Test

1. Remove the starter.

2. Disassemble the starter as shown at the beginning of this procedure.

3. Inspect the armature for wear or damage from contact with the permanent magnet. If there is wear or damage, replace the armature.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

4. Check the commutator (A) surface. If the surface is dirty or burnt, resurface it with an emery cloth or a lathe to the following specifications, or recondition with # 500 or # 600 sandpaper (B).

Honda CR-V. Starting System

5. Check the commutator diameter. If the diameter is below the service limit, replace the armature.

Commutator Diameter

Standard (New): 28.0-28.1 mm (1.102-1.106 in.)

Service Limit: 27.5 mm (1.083 in.)

Honda CR-V. Starting System

6. Measure the commutator (A) runout.

Commutator Runout

Standard (New): 0.02 mm (0.001 in.) max.

Service Limit: 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)

Honda CR-V. Starting System

7. Check the mica depth (A). If the mica is too high (B), undercut the mica with a hacksaw blade to the proper depth. Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutator segments. The undercut should not be too shallow, too narrow, or V-shaped (D).

Commutator Mica Depth

Standard (New): 0.40-0.50 mm (0.016-0.020 in.) Service Limit: 0.15 mm , (0.006 in.)

Honda CR-V. Starting System

8. Check for continuity between the segments of the commutator. If there is an open circuit between any of the segments, replace the armature.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

9. Place the armature (A) on an armature tester (B).

Hold a hacksaw blade (C) on the armature core. If the blade is attracted to the core or vibrates while the core is turned, the armature is shorted. Replace the armature.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

10. Check with an ohmmeter for continuity between the commutator (A) and armature coil core (B), and between the commutator and armature shaft (C). If there is continuity, replace the armature.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Starter Brush Inspection

11. Measure the brush length. If it is shorter than the service limit, replace the brush holder assembly.

Brush Length

Standard (New): 11.1-11.5 mm (0.44-0.45 in.) Service Limit: 4.3 mm (0.17 in.)

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Starter Brush Holder Test

12. Check for continuity between the (+) brush (A) and (-) brush (B). If there is continuity, replace the brush holder assembly.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Planetary Gear Inspection

13. Check the planetary gears (A) and ring gear (B).

Replace them if they are worn or damaged.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

Overrunning Clutch Inspection

14. While holding the drive gear (A), turn the gear shaft (B) counterclockwise. Check that the drive gear comes out to the other end. If the drive gear does not move smoothly, replace the gear cover assembly.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

15. While holding the drive gear, turn the gear shaft clockwise. The gear shaft should turn freely. If the gear shaft does not turn freely, replace the gear cover assembly.

16. If the starter drive gear is worn or damaged, replace the overrunning clutch assembly; the gear is not available separately.

Check the condition of the torque converter ring gear to see if the starter drive gear teeth are damaged.

Starter Reassembly

17. Install the brush into the brush holder, and set the armature (A) in the brush holder (B).

NOTE: To seat the new brushes, slip a strip of # 500 or # 600 sandpaper, with the grit side up, between the commutator and each brush, and smoothly turn the armature. The contact surface of the brushes will be sanded to the same contour as the commutator.

Honda CR-V. Starting System

18. While squeezing a spring (C), insert it in the hole on the brush holder, and push it until it bottoms.

Repeat this for the other three springs (D, E, and F).

19. Install the armature and brush holder assembly into the housing.

NOTE: Make sure the armature stays in the holder.


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