Honda CR-V: Compass
EX model and EX-L model without
navigation system
Next to the outside temperature
indicator of the information display,
a compass indicates which direction
your vehicle is pointed. It indicates
eight directions.
N: North
S: South
E: East
If you see ‘‘- -’’ in the direction
display when you turn the ignition
switch to the ON (II) position, the
compass is self-calibrating.
The compass may need to be
manually calibrate
In most areas, there is a variation
between magnetic north and true
north. Zone selection is required so
the compass can compensate for this
variation. To check and select the
zone, do this:
Special Tools Required
Universal eyelet 07 AAK-SNAA 120
Engine hanger adapter VSB02C000015 *
Front subframe adapter VSB02C000016 *
CR-V engine hanger adapter VSB02C000032 *
Engine support hanger, A and Reds AAR-T-12566 *
* : Available through American Honda Tool and Equipment Program,
Do not let a child wear a seat belt
across the neck. This could result
in serious neck injuries during a
Do not let a child put the shoulder
part of a seat belt behind the back
or under the arm. This could
cause very serious injuries during
a crash. It also increases the
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