Honda CR-V: Crankshaft and Piston Removal

1. Remove the engine assembly.

2. Remove the transmission.

3. Remove the drive plate.

4. Remove the oil pan.

5. Remove the oil pump.

6. Remove the cylinder head.

7. Remove the baffle plates.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

8. Remove the 8 mm bolts.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

9. Remove the bearing cap bolts. To prevent warpage, unscrew the bolts in sequence 1/3 turn at a time; repeat the sequence until all bolts are loosened.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

10. Remove the lower block and bearings. Keep all the bearings in order.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

11. Remove the rod caps/bearings. Keep all caps/ bearings in order.

12. Lift the crankshaft out of the engine. Be careful not to damage the journals.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

13. Remove the upper bearing halves from the connecting rods, and set them aside with their respective caps.

14. If you can feel a ridge of metal or hard carbon around the top of each cylinder, remove it with a ridge reamer (A). Follow the reamer manufacturer's instructions. If the ridge is not removed, it may damage the pistons as they are pushed out.

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

15. Use the wooden handle of a hammer (A) to drive out the piston/connecting rod assembly (B).

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

16. Reinstall the lower block and the bearings on the engine in the proper order.

17. Reinstall the connecting rod bearings and caps after removing each piston/connecting rod assembly.

18. Mark each piston/connecting rod assembly with its cylinder number to make sure they are reused in the original order.

NOTE: The existing number on the connecting rod does not indicate its position in the engine, it indicates the rod bore size.

Crankshaft Inspection

Out-of-Round and Taper

1. Remove the crankshaft from the engine block.

2. Clean the crankshaft oil passages with pipe cleaners or a suitable brush.

3. Clean the keyway and threads.

4. Measure the out-of-round at the middle of each rod and main journal in two places. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Journal Out-of-Round

Standard (New): 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) max.
Service Limit: 0.010 mm (0.0004 in.)

Honda CR-V. Engine Block

5. Measure the taper at the edges of each rod and main journal. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Journal Taper

Standard (New): 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) max.
Service Limit: 0.010 mm (0.0004 in.)


6. Place the engine block on the surface plate.

7. Clean and install the bearings on the No.1 and No. 5 journals of the engine block.

8. Lower the crankshaft into the block.

9. Measure runout on all main journals. Rotate the crankshaft two complete revolutions. The difference between measurements on each journal must not be more than the service limit.

Crankshaft Total Runout

Standard (New): 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) max.
Service Limit: 0.04 mm (0.0016 in.)

Honda CR-V. Engine Block


 Block and Piston Inspection

1. Remove the crankshaft and pistons. 2. Check the piston for distortion or cracks. 3. Measure the piston diameter at a point 13 mm (0.5 in.) from the bottom of the skirt. There are two standard-siz

 Piston, Pin, and Connecting Rod Replacement

Disassembly 1. Remove the piston from the engine block. 2. Apply new engine oil to the piston pin snap rings (A), and turn them in the ring grooves until the end gaps are lined up with the cutouts in

 Piston Ring Replacement

1. Remove the piston from the engine block. 2. Using a ring expander (A), remove the old piston rings (B). 3. Clean all ring grooves thoroughly with a squared-off broken ring or ring groove cleaner


 Cylinder Head Removal

NOTE: Use fender covers to avoid damaging painted surfaces. To avoid damage, unplug the wiring connectors carefully while holding the connector portion. To avoid damaging the cylinder head, wait until the engine coolant temperature drops below 100 ºF (38 ºC) before loosening the cylinder h

 Transmission End Cover

End Cover Removal Special Tools Required Mainshaft holder 07GAB-PF50101 or 07GAB-PF50100 NOTE: The illustration shows the 4WD transmission; the 2WD is similar. 1. Remove the cooler inlet line bolt (D), sealing washers, and line bracket bolts (E), and remove the ATF cooler inlet line (F). 2. Remove

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