Honda CR-V: Front Suspension


 Knuckle/Hub/Wheel Bearing Replacement

Exploded View Special Tools Required Hub dis/assembly tool 07GAF-SD40100 Ball joint remover, 32 mm 07MAC-SL0A102 Ball joint remover, 28 mm 07MAC-SL0A202 Ball joint thread protector, 14 mm 071AF-

 Lower Ball Joint Replacement

Special Tools Required Ball joint remover, 32 mm 07MAC-SL0A 102 Ball joint thread protector, 14 mm 071AF-S3VA000 1. Remove the front wheel. 2. Remove the flange bolt and flange nuts from the lowe


Stabilizer Link Removal/Installation 1. Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it with safety stands in the proper locations. 2. Remove the front wheel. 3. Remove the flange nuts while holdi


 A/C Compressor Replacement

NOTE: Do not install an A/C compressor into a system unless you are completely sure that the system is free of contamination. Installing the A/C compressor into a contaminated system can result in premature A/C compressor failure. 1. If the A/C compressor is marginally operable, run the engine at i

 Block and Piston Inspection

1. Remove the crankshaft and pistons. 2. Check the piston for distortion or cracks. 3. Measure the piston diameter at a point 13 mm (0.5 in.) from the bottom of the skirt. There are two standard-size pistons (No Letter or A, and B). The letter is stamped on the top of the piston. Letters are also

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