Special Tools Required
1. Remove the front wheel.
2. Remove the flange bolt and flange nuts from the lower arm (A).
NOTE: During installation, install a new flange bolt and new flange nuts. After lightly tightening all three fasteners, tighten them to the specified torque in the following order; the nut on the front (B), the nut on the rear (C), then the bolt (D).
3. Disconnect the lower ball joint (E) from the lower arm.
4. Remove the lock pin (A) from the lower ball joint pin (B) them remove the castle nut (C).
NOTE: During installation, install the lock pin after tightening new castle nut.
5. Install the ball joint thread protector (D).
6. Disconnect the lower ball joint from the knuckle using the ball joint remover, then remove the lower ball joint.
7. Install the lower ball joint in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
Raise the suspension to load it with the vehicle's weight before fully tightening the lower ball joint to the knuckle to the specified torque values.
Ball Joint Boot Replacement
Special Tools Required
Attachment, 40 mm 07GAF-SE00200
1. Remove the lower ball joint.
2. Remove the boot.
3. Pack the interior and lip (A) of a new boot with grease. Keep the grease off of the boot-to-lower ball housing mating surfaces (B).
4. Wipe the grease off the tapered portion of the pin (C), and pack fresh grease into the base (D). Do not let dirt or other foreign materials get into the boot.
5. Install the boot on the ball joint, then squeeze it gently to force out any air.
6. Press the boot with the attachment until the bottom seats on the lower ball housing evenly all the way around.
7. After installing a boot, wipe any grease off the exposed portion of the ball joint pin.
8. Install the lower ball joint.
Lower Arm Removal/Installation
1. Raise the front of the vehicle, and support it with safety stands in the proper locations.
2. Remove the front wheel.
3. Remove the flange bolts (A) and the bushing holder (B).
4. Remove the flange bolt and flange nuts from the lower arm (A).
NOTE: During installation, install a new flange bolt and new flange nuts. After lightly tightening all three fasteners, tighten them to the specified torque in the following order; the nut on the front (B), the nut on the rear (C), then the bolt (D).
5. Disconnect the lower ball joint from the lower arm.
6. Remove the lower arm mounting bolt (A).
NOTE: During installation, install a new mounting bolt.
7. Remove the lower arm mounting bolts (B), then remove the lower arm (C) from the front suspension subframe (D).
NOTE: During installation, install new mounting bolts.
8. Install the lower arm in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:
Bushing Replacement
1. Press out the lower arm (A) with the suitable socket wrench and a hydraulic press, and remove the lower arm from the bushing (B).
2. Apply mild soap and water to the new bushing surface.
3. Align the angle of the lower arm (A) and the tab portion (B) of the bushing (C). Press in the bushing by hand first.
4. Press in the bushing with a suitable socket wrench and a hydraulic press.
5. Adjust the distance between the top of the lower arm and the bushing surface to the dimension shown.