Honda CR-V: Fuel Economy


 Actual Mileage and EPA Fuel Economy Estimates Comparison.

Fuel economy is not a fixed number. It varies based on driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle condition. Therefore, it is not possible for one set of estimates to predict fuel economy

 Fuel Economy Factors

The following factors can lower your vehicle’s fuel economy: Aggressive driving (hard acceleration and braking) Excessive idling, accelerating and braking in stop-and-go traffic Cold engine ope

 Improving Fuel Economy

Vehicle Maintenance A properly maintained vehicle maximizes fuel economy. Poor maintenance can significantly reduce fuel economy. Always maintain your vehicle according to the maintenance m


 Engine Installation

Special Tools Required Universal eyelet 07 AAK-SNAA 120 Engine hanger adapter VSB02C000015 * Front subframe adapter VSB02C000016 * CR-V engine hanger adapter VSB02C000032 * Engine support hanger, A and Reds AAR-T-12566 * * : Available through American Honda Tool and Equipment Program, 1-888-

 If the Engine Overheats

The reading of the vehicle’s temperature gauge should stay in the midrange. If it climbs to the red mark, you should determine the reason (hot day, driving up a steep hill, etc.). If the vehicle overheats, you should take immediate action. The only indication may be the temperature

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