Honda CR-V: Towing a Trailer

Your vehicle has been designed primarily to carry passengers and their cargo. You can also use it to tow a trailer if you carefully observe the load limits, use the proper equipment, and follow the guidelines in this section.

Break-In Period

Avoid towing a trailer during your vehicle’s first 600 miles (1,000 km).

Be sure to read the Off-Highway Driving Guidelines section if you plan to tow off paved surfaces.

Exceeding any load limit or

Exceeding any load limit or improperly loading your vehicle and trailer can cause a crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed.

Check the loading of your vehicle and trailer carefully before starting to drive.


 Load Limits

Total Trailer Weight: The maximum allowable weight of the trailer and everything in or on it must not exceed 1,500 lbs (680 kg). Towing a load that is too heavy can seriously affect your ve

 Checking Loads

The best way to confirmthat all loads are within limits is to check them at a public scale. For public scales in your area, check your local phone book, or contact your trailer dealer or ren

 Towing Equipment and Accessories

Towing can require a variety of equipment, depending on the size of your trailer, how it will be used, how much load you are towing, and where you tow. Discuss your needs with your trailer


 Blower Unit Removal/Installation

1. Remove the glove box. 2. Disconnect the connector (A), then remove the connector clip (B), the wire harness clips (C), the bolts, and the glove box frame (D). 3. Cut the plastic cross brace (A) in the glove box opening with diagonal cutters in the area shown. Retain plastic cross brace to be r

 To Select a Station

You can use any of five methods to find radio stations on the selected band: tune, seek, scan, the preset buttons, and auto select. TUNE - Use the TUNE knob to tune the radio to a desired frequency. Turn the knob to the right to tune to a higher frequency, and turn it to the left to tu

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