Honda CR-V: Vanity Mirror

To use the vanity mirror on the back
of the sun visor, pull up the cover.
Except LX model
The vanity mirror lights come on
when you pull up the cover.
To use the sun visor, pull it down.
When using the sun visor for the
side window, remove the support rod
from the clip, and swing it out.
Make sure you put the sun visor
back in place when
To open the sunglasses holder, push
then release the raised detent. It will
unlatch and swing down. To close it,
push it until it latches. Make sure the
holder is closed while you are driv
The sunglasses holder uses a convex
mirror for its bottom panel. You can
see all the vehicle passengers in this
mirror. To use the mirror, open the
sunglasses holder fully, push it to the
VSA activation indicator does not go off, and
no DTCs are stored
1. Turn the ignition switch ON (II), and watch the VSA
activation indicator.
Does VSA activation indicator go off within 2 seconds? YES-The system is OK at
this time.
NO-Go to step 2.
2. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
3. Disconnect
To listen to XM Radio, turn the
ignition switch to the ACCESSORY
(I) or the ON (II) position. Push the
power/volume knob to turn on the
audio system, and press the CD/XM
button. Adjust the volume by turning
the knob. The last channel you
listened to will show in the display.
You can a
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