Honda CR-V: Driving on Slopes

If you can’t clearly see all conditions or obstacles on a slope, walk the slope before you drive on it. If you have any doubt whether or not you can safely drive on the slope, don’t do it. Find another route.

If you are driving up a hill and find that you cannot continue, do not try to turn around. Your vehicle could roll over. Slowly back down the hill, following the same route you took up the hill.


 Crossing a Stream

Avoid driving through deep water. If you encounter water in your route (a small stream or large puddle, for example), evaluate it carefully before going ahead. Make sure it is shallow, flowi

 If You Get Stuck

Avoid driving on soft sand, deep mud, or other surfaces where you could get stuck. If you do happen to get stuck because of inclement weather or other conditions, choose a safe and appropria


This section explains why it is important to keep your vehicle well maintained and how to follow basic maintenance safety precautions. This section also includes instructions on how to read t


 Voice Control System

You can select the AUX mode by using the navigation system voice control buttons, but cannot operate the play mode functions. The specifications for compatible MP3 files are: Sampling frequency: 32/44.1/48 kHz (MPEG1) 16/22.05/24 kHz (MPEG2) Bitrate: 32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/160/19

 Replacing a Headlight Bulb

Your vehicle has halogen headlight bulbs. When replacing a bulb, handle it by its base, and protect the glass from contact with your skin or hard objects. If you touch the glass, clean it with denatured alcohol and a clean cloth. Halogen headlight bulbs get very hot when lit. Oil, p

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