Honda CR-V: Tailgate

Tailgate Adjustment


1. Remove these items:

2. Pull down the rear portion of the headliner. Take care not to bend the headliner excessively.

3. Remove the tailgate support strut from each side.

4. Remove the cap (A) from the rear trim panel (B).

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

5. Slightly loosen the screws.

6. Adjust the tailgate (A) alignment in the following sequence:

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

7. Tighten each bolt and nut securely.

8. Check that the tailgate opens properly and locks securely.

9. Reinstall the support struts securely.

10. Apply touch-up paint to the hinge mounting nuts and around the hinges, and let the paint dry.

11. Apply multipurpose grease to the pivot portion of the tailgate hinges (A) as indicated by the arrows.

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

12. Reinstall all of the removed parts.

Tailgate Support Strut Replacement

1. With the help of an assistant, use a flat-tip screwdriver (A) to pry the support strut clips (B) from each end of the support strut (C) at the tailgate and body, then release the support strut from the pivot bolts (D). Do not remove the clips from the support strut.

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

2. Remove the pivot bolts (A).

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

3. Set the clips (A) to the original position, then reattach the support strut (B) on the pivot bolts (C) by pushing the support strut onto the pivot.

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

Tailgate Weatherstrip Replacement

1. Remove the tailgate weatherstrip (A) by pulling out on it.

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

2. Locate the painted alignment mark (A) on the tailgate weatherstrip (B). Align the painted mark with the alignment tab in the center of the tailgate opening, and install the weatherstrip. Make sure it's seated completely and facing in the direction shown. Make sure there are no wrinkles in the weatherstrip.

Honda CR-V. Tailgate

3. Check for water leaks.


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