Honda CR-V: Avoiding Obstacles
Debris in the road can damage your
suspension or other components.
Because your vehicle has a high
center of gravity, driving over a large
obstacle, or allowing a wheel to drop
into a deep hole can cause your
vehicle to tip or roll over.
If you can’t clearly see all conditions
or obstacles on a slope, walk the
slope before you drive on it. If you
have any doubt whether or not you
can safely drive on the slope, don’t
do i
Avoid driving through deep water. If
you encounter water in your route (a
small stream or large puddle, for
example), evaluate it carefully before
going ahead. Make sure it is shallow,
Avoid driving on soft sand, deep mud,
or other surfaces where you could
get stuck. If you do happen to get
stuck because of inclement weather
or other conditions, choose a safe
and appropria
Before you troubleshoot, record all freeze data and any on-board
snapshot, and review General Troubleshooting Information.
This code is caused by an electrical circuit problem
and cannot be caused by a mechanical problem in the
1. Check the ATF temperature sensor voltage
You can also select a file from any
list on the iPod menu: playlists,
artists, albums and songs. Press the
AUDIO button to display the screen,
then touch the iPodMENU icon.
Select the desired mode by touching
the appropriate icon, or move the
joystick, then press ENT.
Press the AUD
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