Honda CR-V: If the EngineWon’t Start
Diagnosing why the engine won’t
start falls into two areas, depending
on what you hear when you turn the
ignition switch to the START (III)
You hear nothing, or almost
nothing. The engine’s starter
motor does not operate at all, or
operates very slowly.
You can hear the starter motor
operating normally, or the starter
motor sounds like it is spinning
faster than normal, but the engine
does not start up and run.
When you turn the ignition switch to
the START (III) position, you do not
hear the normal noise of the engine
trying to start. You may hear a
clicking sound, a series of clicks, or
nothing a
In this case, the starter motor’s
speed sounds normal, or even faster
than normal, when you turn the
ignition switch to the START (III)
position, but the engine does not run.
Are you using
Although this seems like a simple
procedure, you should take several
A battery can explode if you do
not follow the correct procedure,
seriously injuring anyone
Rod Bearing Clearance Inspection
1. Remove the oil pump.
2. Remove the baffle plates (see step 7).
3. Remove the connecting rod cap and bearing half.
4. Clean the crankshaft rod journal and bearing half
with a clean shop towel.
5. Place plastigage across the rod journal.
6. Reinstall the bearin
SRS indicator does not come on
1. Connect the HDS to the DLC.
2. Turn the ignition switch ON (II).
3. Make sure the HDS communicates with the vehicle and the SRS unit. If it does
not communicate, troubleshoot the DLC circuit.
4. Check for PGM-FI, Body Electrical, and SRS DTCs
with the HDS.
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