Honda CR-V: Driver and Passenger Safety

Honda CR-V (2006–2011) Owner's Manual / Driver and Passenger Safety

This section gives you important information about how to protect yourself and your passengers. It shows you how to use seat belts. It explains how your airbags work. And it tells you how to properly restrain infants and children in your vehicle.


 Important Safety Precautions

You’ll find many safety recommendations throughout this section, and throughout this manual. The recommendations on this page are the ones we consider to be the most important.

 Always Wear Your Seat Belt

A seat belt is your best protection in all types of collisions. Airbags are designed to supplement seat belts, not replace them. So even though your vehicle is equipped with airbags, make su

 Restrain All Children

Children age 12 and under should ride properly restrained in a back seat, not the front seat. Infants and small children should be restrained in a child seat. Larger children should use a bo


 To Select a Station

You can use any of five methods to find radio stations on the selected band: tune, seek, scan, the preset buttons, and auto select. TUNE - Use the TUNE knob to tune the radio to a desired frequency. Turn the knob to the right to tune to a higher frequency, and turn it to the left to tu

 Winter Driving

Tires marked ‘‘M + S’’ or ‘‘All Season’’ on the sidewall have an allweather tread design suitable for most winter driving conditions. For the best performance in snowy or icy conditions, you should install snow tires or tire chains. They may be required by local laws und

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